Advance ticket sales for the return journey of trains after Eid-ul-Fitr have started. Tickets for intercity trains on April 4 are being sold today, Tuesday (April 25). This information is known from the work plan taken by Bangladesh Railway to ensure smooth Eid travel for passengers.
The work plan also reveals that tickets will be sold online from 8 am. Tickets for intercity trains in the western zone of the railway will be available at this time. On the other hand, tickets for intercity trains in the eastern zone will be sold at 2 pm. Like always, seven-day advance tickets for intercity trains are being sold under a special arrangement. For the convenience of passengers, 100% of the tickets will be sold online. Since they are sold under a special arrangement, there is no opportunity to refund any tickets.
According to the decision of Bangladesh Railway, tickets for intercity trains after Eid on April 3 were sold on March 24. In addition, tickets for April 5 will be sold on March 26; tickets for April 6 will be sold on March 27; tickets for April 7 will be sold on March 28; Tickets for April 8 will go on sale on March 29 and tickets for April 9 will go on sale on March 30.