The ‘Auxiliary Force (Auxiliary Police)’ announced by the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Commissioner is being given the responsibility of policing 48 police stations in the capital. In addition to private security personnel in shopping malls and residential areas, local people are also being added to this force. For now, the process of appointing at least 500 members of the Auxiliary Force to carry out security activities until Eid has begun. However, the idea of continuing the activities of this force is being considered even after that.
This force will have the same arrest powers as the police. Although there is a tradition of appointing such auxiliary police in various cities or urban police in the world, there is no precedent in the country of directly appointing someone from the private sector to the police with police powers. As a result, there are various discussions and criticisms about this.
When it is felt that the force needs assistance, the Police Commissioner can appoint any person as an auxiliary police officer to assist the force. Each assistant police officer will be appointed and will receive a certificate in the prescribed form. Along with this, they will be responsible for performing the same duties and will be liable for the same punishment. They will be under the same authority as any other police officer.