The ruthless reality of the world is that no one here is everlasting. One day or one day everyone has to leave. No one has been immortal in the history of the world, and will never happen. In the words of the Qur’an- “Wherever you are, death will reach you, though you stay in a strong and strong fort” (Surah Nisa, Ayat: 1).
Since it is inevitable, the life of the Hereafter is more important than this life in the eyes of Islam. Even after keeping everything in the need of life, you should always think about the Hereafter. Wherever the discussion of the world is in the Qur’an and Hadith, the Hereafter is also remembered. The life of the world has been described as the backdrop of the Hereafter.
Here a man will achieve whatever he gains, save it in the Hereafter. If he spends this life in heaven, he will have to suffer in the Hereafter. In the eyes of the Qur’an and Hadith, thinking of the Hereafter, it is also a worship to always remember death. The hadith has been asked to remember more and more deaths. The reason is that in which the thought of the Hereafter is strong, the heart is soft and smooth. He is always neutral for fear of Allah. Do not dare to step on any wrong path.
And those who are negligent and reckless towards the Hereafter are not the only ones who do not go back to any wrongdoing. The Prophet (peace be upon him) asked his companions at a rally, who is the most intelligent? The Companions said in a natural way, Allah and His Messenger know well. Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “The person is truly intelligent, who is always ready for death.” The Companions said, “O Messenger of Allah (PBUH)! How do we be ready for death? The Prophet said, “Death will be very closely prepared according to that.” (Ibn Majah)
Hazrat Osman Gani said. Going to the cemetery, he cried in such a way that the beard would be wet. He was told: You do not cry when you hear about Paradise-Hell, but come to the grave and cry? In response, he said, the grave is the first Manzil of the Hereafter. If someone is released here, the next manjil becomes easier for him. And if the release here is not released, the next manjil becomes difficult for him. He then said that the Prophet said, “I have never seen a scary scene than the grave.” (Tirmizi)
The life of the Hereafter is like a drop of water in the end of the world compared to the life of the world. So he needs to make a way for life. For that reason, the Muslim philosopher Imam Ghazali (RA) said, “As long as you stay in the world, run the activities here.” And in the Hereafter, as long as you need to last, spend the labor there. We are so busy with worldly life that they do not get the time and opportunity to think about the Hereafter. But the opposite was supposed to be. We spend most of the day and twenty-four hours of day and night on earthly needs.
I do not spend an hour every day for the savings of the Hereafter. Although there is no calculation in the Hereafter, these earthly life days. We fear death, we are negligible to know that it is not possible to avoid this death. But in memory of death, we can easily succeed if they prepare for the Hereafter.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the key to the Prophet and the beloved servant of Allah who succeeded in the world. They did everything in the world, but it was very much in need of the world. They never forgot the world and never left the world. In fact, if we want to achieve success in the Hereafter, there is no alternative to thinking of the Hereafter.