According to the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), the number of people living below the poverty line in Paltan, Dhaka is the lowest. Only one percent of the people in the area live below the poverty line. The number of people living below the poverty line in Dhaka is the highest in Kamrangirchar, 5.7 percent.
The data came out on Thursday (January 5th) in a survey titled ‘Poverty Map of Bangladesh 222’ published by BBS. It has revealed the image of economic discrimination based on various region of the country.
According to the survey, the language of the language is 5.7 percent, in Mirpur, 12.2 percent of the people live below the poverty line. Even in Banani, known as the rich area of the capital, 5.7 percent of the people are below the poverty line. Besides, Darus Salam 1, 5.7 percent in Jatrabari, and 5.7 percent of the poor people live in Adbar.
On the other hand, in Newmarket, Dhaka, one -5 percent of the poor people live. Besides, Ramna 5.7, Motijheel 5.3, Kotwali 2 decimal 3, Gulshan 5.2, Gandaria 2 decimal 3, Dhanmondi in Dhanmondi, one percent live below the poverty line.
The number of poor people in the country has increased
More poor people in Barisal Division, less in Chittagong
The international poverty line fixed on the basis of purchasing power of 20 is the daily income of $ 2.5. That is, people who earn less than $ 2.5 per day will be considered poor.
According to the report, the overall poverty rate of Dhaka district is 5.7 percent. The poverty rate of the country as a whole is 5.7 percent.
This report has revealed a picture of huge economic discrimination among the rich and poor people across the country. Various challenges have also been identified in the ongoing fight against poverty in the country.
According to the report, the poverty rate in the countryside of the country is 26.7 percent. In the city area, the rate is 5.7 percent.