Former State Minister for Industries Kamal Ahmed Majumder was arrested by the court of Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Md. Monirul Islam on Wednesday (March 5) in a case filed by Mirpur Model Police Station.
He was taken to the court from jail this morning. Then at 10:20 am, two police constables held him on both sides and took him to the dock. Later, he went to the back of the dock and stood with his back against the wall. Then a constable named Habibullah held his hand. Later, he was shown arrested. After being shown arrested, two police constables again caught him and took him to the jail. Then he said, ‘I am very sick.’
Former State Minister for Industries Kamal Ahmed Majumder was shown arrested in a case filed by Mirpur Model Police Station. On Wednesday (March 5), the court of Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Md. Monirul Islam showed him arrested.
He was taken to the court from jail this morning. Then at 10:20 am, two police constables held him on both sides and took him to the dock. Later, he went to the back of the dock and stood with his back against the wall. Then a constable named Habibullah held his hand. Then at 10:28 am, he came to the dock. Then he called his lawyer and talked for a while. Later, he was shown arrested. After being shown arrested, two police constables again caught him and took him to the jail. Then he said, ‘I am very sick.’
The judge then granted the application to show him arrested. He is currently detained in jail.